Tristar Gold conducts its exploration activities in the Castelo dos Sonhos area and has worked in association and consultation with businesses and suppliers in the surrounding communities, while funding various projects and capital works. The focus of our social investment has been education, health, environmental conservation and infrastructure support. As the project evolves, as well as our understanding of broader community and regional priorities, Tristar will develop more formal partnerships to support these priorities.
For the past few decades, The Castelo dos Sonhos region has been a hub for a number of small, mainly artisanal (garimpeiro) mining operations in the immediate area. The population of the District today is approximately 20,000 people. With the gradual exhaustion of alluvial gold in the areas surrounding the Castelo de Sonhos project, most garimpeiros moved on, and the small hamlet of Esperança IV that once greeted scores of customers daily has been left with inadequate support, leaving the community with limited infrastructure and income.
Through our team, Tristar communicates and meets regularly with leaders in Esperança IV as well as the larger hub of Castelo dos Sonhos, in an effort to inform regarding advances in the project, while trying to understand and assist where appropriate in the region's needs, identifying where resources are required.
Tristar works in co-operation with the communities to find solutions and has for many years assisted with road and bridge upkeep and rebuilding during the unpredictable wet season providing diesel oil as well as equipment such as trucks, bulldozers and front-end loaders.
Tristar has made investments to support improved conditions for local children to study and further their education in Vila Esperança IV. We make presentations in schools around health and the environment and provide material support to the school in the village where appropriate and requested.
Historically Tristar staff has maintained close communications and collaboration both with the District-level health providers, as well as the local school at Esperança IV, which is the local hub for providing information and resources. We will continue to provide support and collaboration in accordance with the needs of local families where appropriate, and contribute to health education in a region where access to health supports has been traditionally sparse.
In 2020 the Municipality of Altamira announced the opening of a hospital in Castelo dos Sonhos, which provided vital support to families during the early stages of the COVID pandemic. While the hospital continues to ramp up its activities and available services, Tristar maintains close communication with health officials to ensure a sharing of information and mutual support as our project activities advance.
The focus of our environmental activities have been on seedling development, impact management & rehabilitation activities and environmental education. For years, our team at site has been developing and growing our nursery of appropriate native plants for rehabilitation activities. Numerous community groups have been invited to site to visit the project and view our environmental management practices and rehabilitation activities.
We have also actively participated in offering seedlings, manpower and expertise to construction sites for highway upgrades and remediation projects along the BR-163 highway corridor.
Tristar makes efforts to contribute responsibly to priority community events in the areas of community wellness and physical activity. Historically we sponsor bicycle races and tours to the nearby waterfalls at Katia, which provides fun opportunities for families to engage in healthy activity while sharing in environmental conservation awareness.